The Ultimate Toolbox for creating amazing web sites!
Timeline (PAID)
This extension implements a responsive vertical timeline. A timeline is a component which can be used to display content in chronological order. It's great for sharing a story of your projects or a roadmap of its development. For example:
• Company history • A project roadmap • A visual presentation of how your portfolio evolved
Features • Each timeline item can have a title, sub-title (for example: date), description, icon and a button link to another (more details) page. • Responsive, the timeline can be used in responsive layouts (with breakpoints) and layout grids. • A breakpoint can be specified to switch to ‘stacked’ mode for smaller screens. • All typography, padding, margins and colors are customizable.
Navigation Extensions Pack Discount This extension is also part of the Navigation Extensions Pack - Volume 3 which includes 9 commercials menu extensions for only $19.95!